Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Child Function Pattern Assessment free essay sample

Pattern of Health Perception and Health Management: List two normal assessment findings that would be characteristic for each age group. List two potential problems that a nurse may discover in an assessment of each age group. | Healthy patterns are established such as brushing their teeth prior to getting dressed and at bedtime Learning to recognize when to wash their hands, | Parents allow preschooler to assist with small task in the kitchen to encourage a healthy lifestyle Preschooler is encouraged to learn basic hygiene. | Child is aware that dirty hand causes illnesses but not why. Parents encourage healthy hygiene such as hand washing and proper bathing | | Parents do not in cooperate toddler in healthy routines like oral hygiene Parents do not help toddler recognize when hand washing is needed. | Parents do no encourage preschoolers to learn about healthy living. Preschooler is not encouraged to maintain basic hygiene | Child disregards dirty hands frequently with no comprehension on why they need to be clean Parents have no Hygienic control over child. | Nutritional-Metabolic Pattern: List two normal assessment findings that would be characteristic for each age group. List two potential problems that a nurse may discover in an assessment of each age group. | Parents are decreasing the amount of milk to increase iron fortified foods Parents remain in control of what, where and how much food is offered. | Parents encourage a healthy diet with the appropriate amount of each food group. Parents limit the amount of sugar intake. | Child has a favorite snack and eats it at the same time every day. Child has a healthy amount of calorie intake of 1200 to 1800 a day | | Parents area only giving milk decreasing the proper food intake Parents allow the toddler to have full control of food amount and type. | Parents have no control over child diet, no proper diet as been initiated Parents allow preschooler to eat candy at any hour and any amount. | Parents allow child to only eat one item which is the child favorite item, no control over diet is taken Child is eating more than recommended amount of calories due to fast-food intake | Pattern of Elimination: List two normal assessment findings that would be characteristic for each age group. List two potential problems that a nurse may discover in an assessment of each age group. | Parent wait for the toddler to be ready for toilet training Positive reinforcement is given when toddler successfully goes in the toilet. | Preschooler is able to flush toilet and was hands with assistance Parents are gentle when preschooler has an accident. | Child is able to control bladder and bowels. Child is able to undress self, relieve them selfs, flush and wash hands with no assists. | Parents are forcing toddler to go in the toilet instead of waiting for them to be ready Negative reinforcement is given making this experience a negative one. | Preschooler has no want or desire to wash hands after using the restroom Parents are negative and discouraging when preschooler has an accident | Child is not able to control bladder, enuresis. Also not able to control bowels, encopresis. Child does not exhibit coordination to undress self, void, wipe, and wash hands. | Pattern of Activity and Exercise: List two normal assessment findings that would be characteristic for each age group. List two potential problems that a nurse may discover in an assessment of each age group. | Toddlers are attempting to dress themselves with assistance They are constantly doing repetitive action to practice their new skill | Preschooler will show increased coordination and confidence Preschooler will role play as an older person and dolls will be a younger person | Child has good body balance and is able to coordinate catching and throwing a ball. Child combines active play with comprehensive task and ideas. | Toddlers are not allowed to assist with dressing self They are stopped from doing repetitive action discouraging them from mastering a new skill | Preschooler will show poor coordination and low confidence Preschool will shy away from imaginary play. | Child demonstrates poor balance and lacks coordination when playing. Child does not find any interest in physical activity. | Cognitive/Perceptual Pattern: List two normal assessment findings that would be characteristic for each age group. List two potential problems that a nurse may discover in an assessment of each age group. Parents allowing the toddler to play and discover safely Parents have set limits to prevent the child from placing themselves in harm’s way when playing | Preschooler is able to recognize her home environment Preschooler will have possibility developed an imaginary friend. | Child starts to demonstrates a mastery of handwriting Child is able to distinguish between past and present. | | Parents prevent the toddler to learn about their environment through play. Toddler is allowed to roam freely outdoors and indoors constantly placing themselves in harm’s way. Preschooler had a hard time recognizing common items or places. Preschooler does not have any encouragement to use imagination. | Childs demonstrates low hand/vision coordination. Child has difficulties with past, present, and future | Pattern of Sleep and Rest: List two normal assessment findings that would be characteristic for each age group. List two potential problems that a nurse may discover in an assessment of each age group. | A good 12 hours of sleep and 1 to 2 naps or quite times are in place at home A set pattern is established before nap time and bedtime to help bring the toddler. Parents will encourage 8 to 12 hours of sleep with one 30 to 60 minute nap or no nap at all. Parents have establishes a positive bedtime routine that allow preschooler to get proper amount of sleep. | Child has the appropriate amount of sleep a night 8-12 hours with no naps Child has a routine and rarely disturbs that routine. | | The toddler does not get an adequate amount of sleep and is fussy or irritable No sleep patterns are established, the toddler sleeps whenever he/she gets tired. | Preschooler in nor encouraged to sleep the proper amount of time Parents have no bedtime routine initiated. Child does not sleep the recommended 8-12 hours a night. Child constantly test parents on bedtime and sleep routine. | Pattern of Self-Perception and Self-Concept: List two normal assessment findings that would be characteristic for each age group. List two potential problems that a nurse may discover in an assessment of each age group. | A toddler would get frustrated when they do not get their way; this frustration is known as a temper tantrum. The toddler would explore their world by climbing, crawling and tasting new things. Parents are promoting new safe activity allowing the preschool to master it by repetitive action Preschools are encouraged and praised for new ideas or behaviors. | Child has positive influences on child likes, talent, and or hobbies Child shows a positive attitude about peers and self image | | The toddles environment is found to be unsafe during a temper tantrum The child’s living conditions place the toddler at risk when exploring his/her surrounding, | Preschooler shy’s away from new activities and actions Preschooler is ridiculed and discouraged when attempted new action or creating ideas. Parents show no or low interest in child likes hobbies and talents causing negative emotions to occur Child constantly expresses self in a negative pattern, child speaks negatively of peers. | Role-Relationship Pattern: List two normal assessment findings that would be characteristic for each age group. List 2 potential problems that a nurse may discover in an assessment of each age group. | Sibling rivalry begins to be more evident The Toddler takes a step back to wetter their pants and baby talk to get their way. Preschoolers are playing safely along with older children Preschooler begins to define certain actions to certain family roles. | Child care givers maintain a positive relationship without creating equality in roles as caregiver and child. Positive reinforcement is used when child misbehaves | | The parents take side and create a lifelong issue between siblings The Parents do not address the regression the child is purposely doing. | Preschool is unable to establish relationship with other children Preschooler is confused of roles in family. Child believes self and caregiver as equals causing a tense and confusing relationship. Parent punishes child without explanation or any positive reinforcement. | Sexuality – Reproductive Pattern: List two normal assessment findings that would be characteristic for each age group. List two potential problems that a nurse may discover in an assessment of each age group. | Exploration of genital area Parents using proper words to describe the genital area. | Preschool related to own gender more but recognizes a gender difference Parents answer sexual/genital question with simple truthful facts. The school age child as in increased awareness of his or her sexuality. Child may be curious about his/her body and explore another child sexuality | | Toddler is forbid and punished for normal exploration. Vagina and penis are called other names confusing the child. | Preschooler is unable to recognized different genders Parents react in a negative manner when preschooler asks sexual/gential questions. | School age has no awareness of differences between genders Parents make child feel uncomfortable and shameful when confronted with sexual questions. |

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